My Favorite Things (Nerd Podcast Edition)

You may not know this, but I am a HUGE nerd. The two podcasts I’m obsessed with right now scratch three of my huge nerd itches. NPR, comedy and science. Continue reading

Song of the Day

I cannot say enough about Shara Worden aka My Brightest Diamond. I’ve previously discussed her concert with the Chicago Youth Symphony Orchestra that blew me away and I don’t say that lightly. Her voice, lyrics, and musical composition are simply amazing and awe-inspiring. The lead single from her new album is the song of the day.

Continue reading

Guess I Should Write Something on it


Him: But you’re a better writer than me anyway.

Me: Doubtful, how would you even know that?

Him: *long pause and blank stare* Umm…you have a blog

Me: Oh…

Oscar de la Renta & Valentino


will, in fact, teach you how to stunt.


Oscar de la Renta and Valentino at Diane von Furstenberg Spring 2012 Show

Image Courtesy of Tom & Lorenzo

Text Message of the Day


“Are you working on a book or something? You’re thinking more critically about porn lately.”

Well I wasn’t, but now that you’ve mentioned it…

Love is…

Your dad showing up at your door at 10:30am with a first aid kit, cornbread and black-eyed peas (which are still warm because your mom just took them out of the crock-pot that morning) all because you cut the shit out of your foot on the laundry room door last night which finally brought on the mini-emotional-breakdown that had been building for about a month while you were on the phone trying to determine if you needed to go get stitches.